2009年7月2日 星期四

期末報告 from 吳智媛The Ambassadors : Hans Holbein

HH0430 期末報告 from 吳智媛 “旅遊愛上藝術史” 2009/07/02
The Ambassadors : Hans Holbein
Hans Holbein 和他的時代

1497-1543年(47 歲),德國人。屬於文藝復興後期。是屬於繪畫家族,父親是宮廷畫家。Hans Holbein自小在父親畫室學習。16歲時前往瑞士巴塞爾工作,最初Hans Holbein在印刷廠作插畫工作,以插畫而受到矚目。
同一時期創作首幅重要肖像畫:巴塞爾市雅各布. 梅爾市長及夫人。顯示此時已有捕捉被畫人物特質得功力,奠定 Hans Holbein在肖像畫中的地位。


文藝復興後期特色: 文藝復興起源於義大利佛羅倫斯。是活潑、自由、新生力量。而後十五、十六世紀文藝復興在法國德意志發展,地理條件比南歐氣候嚴酷、土地貧瘠,生活簡樸重實際,深入觀察生活本身及大自然,特色為忠實坦率的描寫。重要的畫家有: 布魯格爾 、杜勒 、霍爾班。

(The Skull)
In the past the portrait has been described as being of a 'Medical Professor', presumably because of the presence of the skull. But in a 16th century work this is more likely to be intended as a 'memento mori' (reminder of the brevity of mortal life). death puts an end to all worldly

From The Dance of Death by Hans Holbein Woodcut / engraving

Hans Holbein 對骷髏的繪製也不陌生,1545年起陸陸續續木板刻製各式身分(包括貴族、地主、教師.等)。骷髏都會與之共舞。勸戒世人,雖貴為國王者,死亡也有到來的一日。不可沉迷世上財富、地位、權勢。

救贖十字架(Crucifix) : Christian symbol of salvation and life after death.
The skull represents death and the end of life in this world
this tiny, clear glimmer of hope contrasts with the distorted skull

Anamorphosis: Ana - morphosis" comes from the Greek words meaning "formed again."

There are two main types:
-Perspective透視畫法 (oblique傾斜):
date to the early Renaissance (15th Century)

in which a distorted shape lies diagonally across the bottom of the frame. Viewing this from an acute angle transforms it into the plastic image of a skull

- Mirror(catoptric反射光學的 ): occurred
at the time of the baroque (17th century)

因此表示Where we stand determines what we see. A shift in perspective is what the bridge project is all about. Exploring Community Bridge, with all the ideas from thousands of people, is like climbing a mountain. It provides a new perspective on the human condition
Hans Holbein的大使(The Ambassadors)意義深厚。在文藝復興背景下,當然也有16世紀黑死病陰影下。人本的本質受到質疑,死亡呼的來到,讓一切世上努力停止。但是原有救贖十字架仍然存在,仍然是死亡的出口,是陰影下的希望。Hans Holbein畫法埋藏著”Where we stand determines what we see”的趣味。也是諷刺。也許世俗的人們 —我們,在科技無所不能的今日,也被Hans Holbein說 : “YOU SEE, IT STILL THE TRUETH UNTIL TODAY.” http://www.flickr.com/photos/8763541@N03/show 全文完
